Wednesday 13 July 2016


  • Some Facts:

~ NISHAN-E-HAIDER was established on 16th March 1957.It was given from 1947.
~ It is the highest Military award of Pakistan.
~ Literally it means "Mark Of The Lion".
~ It was named after Hazart Ali (R.Z),4th caliph of Islam.
~ All awards are awarded against Indian wars.
~ It is abbreviated as NH.
~ Ist awarded to captain Muhammad Sarwar.
~ Last awarded to Lalak Jan.
~ It can be awarded to all ranks of all Armed Forces.
~ It is manufactured by Pakistan Mint,including 88% copper,10% tin and 2% zinc.
~ 7 officers and 3 soldiers are holder of it.
~ 1 award in 1948,1 in 1958,2 in 1965,5 in 1971 and 2 were given in 1999.

  • Receivers:

A drawing from Pakistan Army museum1. Raja Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed:

He was born on 27 July 1910.
~ He ranked as a captain in Army.
~ He served for 19 years from 1929-1948.
~ He belongs to 2/1 Punjab Regiment.
~ He fought Indo-Pakistan war 1947 and world war II.
~ He died on 27 July 1948.
~ He got commissioned in 1944.
~ Sarwar Shaheed  college was named after his honor.

2. Karnal Sher Kahn Shaheed:

~  He was born on 1970.
~ He ranked as a Captain in army.
~ He served for 5 years from 1994-1999.
Image result for Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed:~ He belongs to 27th Sindh Regiment & 12 Northern Light Infantry.
~ He fought Kargil war 1999.
~ He died on 5 July 1999.
~ His home village was named after him,Karnal Sher Killy.
~ Karnal named is obtained due to his rank colonel.

3. Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed:

~ He was born on 25 October 1944.
~ He ranked as lance Naik.
Image result for muhammad mahfuz shaheed~ He served for 9 years from 1962-1971.
~ He belongs to 15 Punjab Regiment at  Wagha-Atari.
~ He was an operator of machine gun in his Regiment.
~ He fought 1965 & 1971 war.
~ He joined Army on 25 October 1962 as Infantry Solider.
~ He died on 17 December 1971.

4. Muhammad Akram Shaheed:

Image result for muhammad akram shaheed~ He was born on 4 April 1938.
~ He ranked as Major in Army.
~ He served for 15 years from 1956-1971.
~ He belongs 4 Frontier Force.
~ He fought 1965 war as a Major.
~ He was Promoted to Major in 1969.
~ He fought 5 days and night in the war of 1971.
~ He died on 1971 December.
~ In Jhelum city his memorial is there by name of  Major Akram Shaheed Monument.

Image result for Shabbir Sharif 5. Sahbbir Shareef Shaheed:

~ He born on 28th April 1943.
~ He took an active part in 1965 & 1971 wars.
~ He ranked as A Major in Army.
~ He was a member of  Frontier Force & 4 frontier Force.
~ He served for 7 years from 1964-1971.
~ He died on the same Bridge which he was defending.
~ He died on 6 December 1971.

~ His last words were:
"Do not lose the Bridge"
~ He holds a unique record of holding Nishan-E-Haider, Sword of honor and Sitara-E-Jurat also.
~ He was often called "Super Man" of the Army.
~ He is nephew of another Nishan-E-Haider holder Raja Aziz Bhatti and brother of sitting Army Chief.

Image result for Muhammad Hussain Janjua6. Muhammad Hussian janjua Shaheed:

~ He was born on 18th June 1949.
~ He joined Army as a driver.
~ He actively took part in 1971 war.
~ He served for 5 years from 1966-1971.
~ He was a member of 20th Lancer unit.
~ He died on 10th December 1971 due to hitting a burst of gun machine at his chest.
~ He is the only Foot solider for Receiving NH. 

Rashidminhas.jpg7. Rashid Minhas Shaheed:

~ He was born on 17th Febaury 1971.
~ He joined at the very early age 17.
~ He belongs to No.2 Squadron.
~ He ranked as Pilot Officer in Pakistan Air force.
~ He took Part in Bangladesh Liberation War.
~ He died on 20th august 1971.
~ He is the only PAF officer of holding NH.
~ He is youngest holder of NH.
~ He is the shortest serving officer.
~ A two-Rupee postage stamp with his image was also issued in December 2003.
Image result for rashid  minhas awards
~ PAF Kamra Base is now known as PAF Base Minhas.

Aziz-Bhatti.jpg8. Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed:

~ He was born on 28th September. 
 ~ He ranked as a major in Army.
~ He served for 17 years from 1948-1965.
~ He belongs to 17 Punjab regiment.
~ He fought bravely,the war of 1965.
~ He died on 12th September 1965.
~ He is uncle of Shabbir Sharif Shaheed and Army chief Raheel Sharif.
~ He is also reciver of Sword of Honor.
~ His helmet is resting on his Rifle where he last fell down after get hit by a shell.
~ When he was offered to take rest as he was fighting for 5 days & night.He replied:
"I do not want to go back & do not recall me for it.I will shed my last drop of blood for defending my beloved homeland."

9. Tufail Muhammad Shaheed:

~ He was born on 7th August 1914.
~ He ranked as a Major in Army.
~ He served for 15 years from 1943-1958.
~ He served for 16th Punjab Regiment.
~ He took active part in Indo-Pak 1947 war.
~ He died on 7th August 1958.
~ 3 Bullets heavily injured him which causes his death.His last words were:
"I have completed my duty; the enemy is on the run now."
~ His native village is now after his name Tufail- Abad.

Image result for lalak jan10. Lalak Jan Shaheed:

~ He was born on 1st September 1967.
~ He ranked as Havaldar in Army.
~ He served for 15 years from 1984-1999.
~ He belongs to 12 Northern Light Infantry Regiment.
~ He fought Kargil War 1999.
~ He died on 7th July 1999.
He was last man to receive NH.
~ He is the only Ismaili Muslim to receive NH.

Image result for saif ali janjua11. Saif Ali Janjua Shaheed:

~ He was born on 25th April 1922.

 ~ He was a platoon commander,Naik.
~ He served for 7 year from 1941-1948.
~ He belongs to Kashmir Regiment.
~ He fought resistantly in 1947 war.
~ He died on 10th October 1948.
He was awared by Halil-E-Kashmir Award,which was made equal to Nh award.
~ He is the only receiver of NH award being Kashmiri.


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1st Military Award (Nishan-e-Haider) 2nd Military Award (Hilal-e-Jurat) 3rd Military Award (Sitar-e-Jurat) Pak-India Border (Red-Clif...