Monday 29 February 2016

3rd June Plan Or MountBatten Plan

3rd June Plan Or MountBatten Plan


The government announced the 3rd June Plan in which it was decided to partition of the sub-continent. Punjab & Bengal were to be divided on the basis of Muslim majority and Hindus majority areas.

MountBatten Appointment:

The Muslim league the interim government but did not participate in the constitution making process . Therefore the dream of making a constitution could be realized. The whole system was suspended. The venture of wavell & Gandhi miserably failed. The whoe process of transfer of power were conducted by viceroy lord Mountbatten.

Meeting With Political Leaders:

After taking the charge, the viceroy started meeting with political parties ,but Quaid totally refused all the plane because he clear-cut demand for separate nation and want separation according to majority commented area.
    The Lord Mount prepared to leave the subcontinent.

3rd June Plan Importance:

In 3rd June 1947 was an elaborate one. It cover the whole sub-continent. The government took final decision to divide it into 2 independent states & the principal of the partition was accepted. There are 635 states in the sub continent. Nawab and Raja's ruling over their areas and people with internal sovereignty and external were ruled by British government. Therefore there all states hare full power to choose what ever they want India or Pakistan 

  1. Non-Muslim Majority Provinces
                           CP ,UP , Orissa , Bombay, Madras & Bihar were non-Muslim majority provinces. All there provinces were to be included in Bharat.

      2. Province Of Punjab

                         The decision was taken to divide Punjab Province into two parts. Muslim majority area go to pakistan & Hindu majority area go to India. A Commission was created to draw the line of demonstration between Pakistani Punjab & Bharati Punjab

      3. Province of Bengal

                         The principle approved for Punjab same as approved for Bengal. The province can be divided in East & West. East have Muslims and west have Hindus because of this East belong to pakistan & west belong to India.

     4. Province Of Sindh

                     The member of the sindh provincial Assembly got the right to join Pakistan or India by a majority vote.

     5. Province Of Baluchistan  

                     The future of Baluchistan will be decided the member of  Municipal  committee  & "Shahi jirga" .whether they want to join Pakistan or India.

    6. Province of Assam

                    Sylhet was one of the districts of Assam. A very large majority of the district was Muslim. The people living in the District, Sylhet had to decide their own future through a referendum. They had to option either with Pakistan or India. 

   7. Province of N.W.F.P
                 The people of NWFP (Sarhad) had to decide their fate by referendum. They could join what ever they want . 


                 The british government got the approval of parliament on 18th July 1947 to divide the sub continent into the two countries. The law was formulating in the light of the 3rd June plan. pakistan got the independent sovereign status on 14th august 1947 and Bharat on 15th august 1947. 

Sunday 28 February 2016


The creation of Pakistan was not only the end of struggle.Still many things was needed to be changed.14 AUGUST,1947 was the day of independence Quaid-e-azam declared that "Pakistan has come to exist for ever".But the new nation faced many problems before they could feel themselves secure.The leaders of India accepted that Pakistan would not be able to survive longer.Some of the problems that arouse were as follow:


After partition there was huge number of refugees who migrated towards Pakistan.About 10 million people migrated to Pakistan and 2.5 million people migrated to India.This was the largest migration in the history of mankind.Quaid-e-azam him self lead the situation.A central Council was formed for this.Quaid-e-azam appealed to the people to invest in it to support their brothers in difficult time.Large number of amount was collected in a very short time.


As none of the assets were divided as per declared, Pakistan faced many economical problems.Pakistan was having very little industry after partition.Karachi being the only the modern port of earning.The agriculture and major industries was not working efficiently and was not producing enough as needed.The one jute industry that produced 70% of world's crop was in East Pakistan.And Pakistan by the fact didn't have a single jute mill after partition.Out of 16 industries only 4 were given to Pakistan which were in a worse condition to run. Most of the industries were in Hyderabad Deccan which was given to India.The percentage of economical assets in Pakistan after partition were as following:

  • Industrial enterprises = 10%
  • Industrial workers = 6.5%
  • Electrical capacity = 5%
  • Mineral deposits = 10%


The partition of Pakistan was done but India got full political support from Mountbatten.Many Muslims areas were given to India.

  • India got Government buildings,furnished offices.
  • India had officials members of CONGRESS with political experience.
  • Perhaps,the major one that Quaid-e-azam was suffering from tuberculosis,and he knew that he had a very little time to do many more. 


Pakistan highly needed an external support to stay strong enough.Quaid-e-azam said that our foreign policy is to develop strong and friendly relationships wit its neighboring and other countries as well.In this context Iran was the 1st country to accept Pakistan as an independent country.Soon in 1947 Pakistan become member of United Nation (UN).In 1954 Pakistan signed a SEATO pact foe defense union.


Pakistan was having thousand miles distance with East Pakistan.This was the most difficult situation to govern there.Half of the population was living in East Pakistan.The majority of The government and army leaders came from West Pakistan.Until 1947, the East Pakistan separated  from West Pakistan by 1600 km distance of India territory.Like this many other states were handed over to India which included Junagadh,Bilaspur,Hyderabad,Kashmir(Disputed) etc.


The enemies started making hostile propaganda and rumors that Pakistan is not economically strong enough to support its people It will soon collapse like a house of cards.Quaid-e-azam on this view point visited all 5 provinces despite of his failing health.He met the people address them and gave them courage and hope.He infused new zeal and enthusiasm in the people.He said:

  • "There is no power that can dismiss Pakistan."
  • "Pakistan has came into existing for ever".


In many problems a problem of defense was major one.The ratio of division of asset were 17% to India and 5% to Pakistan.This reflected the relative size and population of two countries.In June 1947 it was declared that 750 million  rupees of 4 billion rupees was added in reserve Bank of Pakistan.The 1st 200 million were paid.Then India attacked on Kashmir and India refused to pay further.India said that Pakistan will use this money in buying arms against India.They said that if Pakistan get agreed that Kashmir belongs to India then rest of the money will be paid.But Pakistan refused as Kashmir was and is always integral part of Pakistan.India wanted to bankrupt Pakistan.Gandhi persuaded government to pay 500 million more.Armed forces was to be divided as 36% among Pakistan and 44% among India. But was divided as:

  • Armour division = 6 to Pakistan, 14 to India
  • Artillery division = 8 to Pakistan, 40 to India
  • Infantry division = 8 to Pakistan, 21 to India
They agreed to pay 60 million after that and this was used to build an ordnance factory at Wah.


The canal water dispute started in 1947.West Pakistan is a fertile country but yet has a dry climate.Rainfall is not enough for irrigation system.So  it depends upon water from three main rivers Indus,Jhelum, and Chenab.

The partiton  cut cross many rivers and canals.All the main rivers that flow in Pakistan was controlled at a series of "Headworks" which were in Punjab that was now apart of India.Soon Indian Government claimed that the head-workers are in India and they have right to do anything.

In May 1948 a temporary agreement was signed and India agreed to allow water from east Punjab to flow into  West Punjab.But also said that Pakistan should soon find an alternate for it.


Quaid-e-azam said many asked me about way of living in Pakistan?Who am I to decide it?Muslims way of living was declared in Quran and Islam about 1300 years ago.This law will surely leas us to success in future.He expressed his desire to make constituent assembly of Pakistan for further tasks of constitution of Pakistan.




Monday 22 February 2016

Cripps Mission(sir stafford cripps)

                                            Cripps Mission


This mission was held in 1942 in the sub-continent under the leadership of Sir Stafford Cripps ( Government servant ).

Reasons :

This mission was take place because the British government was perturbed at victories of the Japanese forces. The Japanese forces were heading toward South Asia. The second world war (1939--1945) seemed to be in the Japanese favor. Indian National Congress was encouraged by the preliminary success of japanese. The movements against the government by congress were troublesome of Britishers. Congressite's were confident that japanese hand over the power after Britain defeat.

Cripp's Proposal:
Congress did not support this mission, Although he bought few proposal given below:
  • Status of Dominion
                    The sub-continent will give status of dominion after the war and British will retain the power in India during the war. India control resources & defense of India part their world war effort.
·                   Power of Main Department
  All the government department handover the Indian ministries including Defense, Foreign Affairs & communication.
·         Provincial Legislature
    General election were held after war & the constituent Assembly would elected by the lower house of the newly elected provincial legislatures.
·         Safe guard to Minorities
   Special step will be taken to provide safe guards to the minorities. The rights of Minorities should be protected.
·         Formation of constitution
   After the formulation of constitution by the constitutional Assembly will be sent to provinces. The provinces will do not endorse the constitution will be empower to create a separate & free status themselves.

Reaction of Political Parties
          The proposal were not acceptable to the Muslim league because the existence of the Muslim nation was not acknowledge straight-away. Rather the provinces were given the right of self-determination, Although Muslim league thanks for the step for protection of the rights of minorities.

Gandhi also goes against to the proposal he says in clearest way that the proposals is a postdated cheaque of a bank that is going to be bankrupt. They also opposed the idea of partition & also don’t want the power is distributed among the provinces. Gandhi badly refuses this mission.
          Cripps mission is badly rejected because there are slope of division of the country.
After Proposal
          After the failure of cripps mission in 1942, the Indian national congress kept on pressurizing the British government to quit on India by handling over rule to the majority party civil disobedience movement. Quit India movement and other methods were used to the force the Britisher’s to quit India movement gained momentum. Procession & protest meeting were arranged in all the cities. Gandhi and his party were expecting the defeat of the forces at the hand of allied force at the hands of Japanese. Therefore, the Hindus continuously built up the pressure against the government.

Saturday 20 February 2016



The CRIPPS MISSION was strongly set in a certain background.The British were alarmed at the successive victories of Japan in 1940 s. On the other hand subcontinent situation was getting worse and CONGRESS wanted to take advantage of this situation.They started to put struggle for independence. 
Japan Army
British was knowing the fact that it would be difficult to bring both CONGRESS and MUSLIM LEAGUE on a common agenda.In this
context British sent a mission to India in 1942 under Sir Stafford Cripps and Lord Privy seal,in order to achieve Hindu Muslims consensus on some constitutional arrangement.They insist Indians to postpone the struggle of independence till the end of 2nd world war.   


Before presenting this mission CRIPPS arrived in 1938 and had several meetings with congress leaders.It was of the view point of MUSLIMS after presenting the mission that this was already known to CONGRESS as in the background of 1938 meetings. CRIPPS again arrived in Delhi on March 22,1942. He have series of meetings with politicians like Jawahar-lal Nehru, Abul Kalam Azad, Quaid-e-Azam, Sir Sikandar Hayat and etc.The clauses of the proposals were:
(1) During the world war the British would retain their control and government on India.Once the war would be ended,India would be giving dominion status with complete external and internal autonomy. India would be dealing with their affairs on their own after this.It would be however,be associated with United Kingdom and other Dominions by a common decision to the crown.
(2) At the end of the war a constitutional assembly would be set up to frame further future constitutions of India.The member of the assembly would be elected on the proportional basis of each provinces as declared.The princely states which would be independent would also be able to represent them self in the assembly.
(3) The provinces not agreeing to accept the new constitution would have the right to keep itself away from the proposal union. These provinces would also have the right to create their own constitution and separate union.British Government would also be able to join the commonwealth.
(4) During the era of war,government consisting of different parties of India would be constituted. However defense and external affairs would be responsibility of the viceroy. 


It was highly rejected by MUSLIMS. Quaid-e-Azam said that it is totally "unsatisfactory".He said that if we accepted this proposals it would be "taking MUSLIMS to the gallows".He declared that this proposal have "Aroused our deepest anxieties and gave apprehensions specially with reference to PAKISTAN mission which is a matter of life and death to us".He knew it that CRIPPS was highly supporting CONGRESS.And they themselves accepted his support publicly as well.CRIPPS was a traditionally supporter of CONGRESS and most of decisions declared it clearly to MUSLIMS.
But however Quaid-e-Azam was happy to know that British government accepted the partition of subcontinent,and were aware of MUSLIMS demands now in a very clear manner. At least now they had agreed to talk about MUSLIM LEAGUE'S demands of separate homeland.


CONGRESS also refused to accept the proposal.As they were struggling to take over the control of India as soon as possible.They were of the demand to control external and internal affairs of India immediately.Gandhi called this proposal "A post dated cheaque on a failing bank".CONGRESS knew that this proposal was only a piece of a paper,no practical implementation would be further.


 In brief points it could be said that this proposal was failed,as it was rejected by both the parties.Both parties was  struggling of their independence on their own.

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